Dear Families,
We have been busily preparing for the return of many of our students next week, and we are looking forward to seeing many of you soon! As part of return to class, teachers will spend time integrating students to the new ways of doing things and new social norms, seeking to reduce anxiety and ease the transition as much as possible. We will be paying close attention to children’s social and emotional needs, looking for ways to share our feelings and increase the sense of connection between people even as we work to limit physical contact between children and adults.

Details about pick-up and drop off:
In the mornings, Grades children can enter their classrooms between 8:30 – 8:45, with Grades 1, 2/3 and 6/7 using the back exits and 4/5 the main school entrance. Teachers have sent a list of supplies that children will need to bring each day, including backpacks, full water bottles, and their own utensils and writing instruments. Please check your emails for full details. Kindergarten and preschool drop off is between 8:45 and 9:00 outside your child’s classroom. Preschool and kindergarten children will need to bring their own snacks, clearly labeled with the child’s name. Shannon and I will be on hand in the morning to help direct traffic, and there will be a hand hygiene station outside.

Parents need to have completed the return to school parent agreement form before their children are allowed back at school, so please remember to get these in!

For pick-up, we ask that families arrive on time and take their children home as soon as possible, to avoid mixing in large groups.  Kindergarten and preschool pick-up will be in their usual yard spaces outside. Grade 1 will be dismissed at 3:05 and held until picked up on the red top near the basketball hoop. Grade 2/3 will be dismissed at 3:10 and will be held on the red top near the main entrance. Grades 4- 6 will be dismissed at 3:15 and will be held in the back corner of the grass, or will walk home on their own.

Other reminders for Grades students: Students are asked to bring their flutes (Grade 2 & 3) violins (4 – 7) and their knitting. Bring your completed knitted squares in a plastic bag labelled with your name so Ms. McCrone can check them. Also bring any unfinished knitting so you can work on it in class. We recommend that you bring a book of your own to read or look at during quiet times.

For those families who we are continuing to support remotely, you are very much in our minds and hearts as well. We love seeing pictures from your work at home. We will work to keep our connections strong during this next stage.

On another note, SWS has received the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy. These funds have been put toward operational wages and have allowed us to offer relief for those facing significant financial need, and to supplement our tuition assistance for the coming year. If you are considering applying for TA but have not yet done so, please contact me right away to answer any questions about the process.

We look forward to seeing you in June!

Kind regards,
– Gabriel